Saturday, January 16, 2010

Results of the Haiti Relief Show

Well, first of all, I want to thank everyone who came out to the show at Buffalo Wild Wings Casselberry. I think we all had a blast. If you couldn’t make it out, you really missed a lot of fun. Most of my friends brought their kids out there with them and invited friends and family to join. It was a great turn out and the kids had a great time dancing and singing along. Those of you who passed the word on to coworkers and family, I can’t thank you enough. I hope they all enjoyed themselves and that they become new additions to my “Crowd of Tens.”

That what I call you guys, by the way. “A Crowd of Tens” if I haven’t explained it to you before, it was a name I came up with while watching the presidential election. “The senator appeared today to speak to a crowd of hundreds (or thousands)” Most of my shows, I can count the crowd myself and name half of them. So, as a joke, I started referring to my fans as “A Crowd of Tens.” I hope you don’t mind, because last night our handful of people made a big difference to the American Red Cross relief effort in Haiti.

As promised, I donated 100% of my tips to the Red Cross. Together we collected $55 to aid in the stabilization and rebuilding efforts after the tragic earthquake in Haiti. You guys did an awesome job getting the word out and I hope you’re as proud as I am of the donation we made. As a bonus, I decided to throw in and extra $45 to make an even $100! I could not have done it without your help and I hope you know how much I appreciate every one of you.

Thanks again for all the support. If you didn’t make it to the show, I hope you’ve done your part to help those in need after the devistation in Haiti. There’s still so much to do. Remember September 11? Remember Katrina? It’s just like that. Find out what you can do and do it.

Much Love, DK

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


So I posted a status update on Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace today that read: "Remember the first time you made $100? Birthday, Christmas, Summer Job. Didn't you feel rich? I want to feel rich again." Never have I felt so misunderstood.

First of all, I want to thank my friends who commented back for their optimism and philosophy. I'm aware that I have a great wife, great son, great friends, good job, and so on. I'm aware that people with money are not necessarily happy people. All that glitters is not gold, I know. That isn't what I was trying to convey. I was attempting to impart a feeling of nostalgia in 140 characters or less. The first time you held $100 in your hand and felt the possibilities were endless. The baseball cards, the candy, the CD's, the dolls, the whatever. Remember? Think about it. At this point, most of earn a paycheck. When was the last time you got your paycheck, hopefully it was over $100, and thought of infinite possibilities? Go ahead. Think about it. I'll wait. You've never held your paycheck in awe! You know exactly where every penny of that is going. Groceries, rent, power, water, cable, car, insurance, phone, etc. etc. That's "adult life." I was simply stating earlier today that I miss getting excited about money.

I noticed it yesterday when my wife told me we got a check in the mail from the escrow on our house. Well over $100 dollars, but I said, immediately, "Great! Put it on the credit card." Like that. A sizable sum of money in and out of my life in less than a 15 second phone call.

Maybe that's why I enjoy parenthood so much. I may be jaded, but I get to watch my son experience the things I take for granted for the first time. First steps. Bubbles are awesome. Jumping on beds is the bomb. Running through sprinklers; if you haven't done that lately, please do. What else? Pulling a quarter out of his ear, or, even better, "stealing" his nose! Everyday is brand new to him. And so it is new to me vicariously.

But, nostalgia. That was what I meant. I don't want to BE rich (I won't say no if I win the lotto), I want to FEEL rich. To hold ANY sum of money with no prior obligation, just infinity.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

What to say?

I still haven't decided what I want this blog to be. Outside of writing and playing music, I really have no agendas. No great religious arguments or political stance. I've no desire to publicize my family life. I do have interests in fitness, especially in the realm of running and triathlons. I also think I need to do more within the community. As it stands, I take no part in charity events or organizations. There are a lot of charities that hold runs to raise money for their cause. Perhaps I can get the "Crowd of Tens" to follow me out there as well.

What I don't want to do is flood this page with junk about ME. Because, my life is pretty dull day to day. There's work in the morning for 8 to 10 hours and, believe me, there's nothing fun to talk about there. Then a drive home and a few hours before the house goes quiet. Those pre-silence moments are dedicated to dinner and quality time with the family. Some games, a little music, or TV. Then, after munchkin bedtime, it's time to update the websites and put the posts up for upcoming shows. That's all if I'm not actually playing a show! There's not much to talk about at the shows. Every once in awhile there's a stand out situation, but, more often than not, it's... not boring, but generic.

I've always been the type of person that is great in conversation. I'd never be a great comedian, but I'm very funny in conversation. I need stimulus. So 2010 will see me manufacturing stimulus. I'm going to go out and create subject matter to talk about and, consequently, create a life.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Adventures in Nashville

Well, it all started on Tuesday night last week. I packed my bags for my trip to Nashville, to showcase for an independent A&R company. My flight was not until Thursday morning at 6:00, but I had work and a late gig at Captain Hiram's in Sebastian on Wednesday. I had to pull an "iron man" shift. I was up at 5am for the 2 hour commute to my jobsite in Palm Bay. Work flew by surprisingly quickly, mostly due to the fact that I had so much to catch up on before I went out of town. At 4 o' clock it was off to Hiram's for dinner with my grandparents and then 4 hours of acoustic rock from 7pm to 11pm. Then, already exhausted, it was time to break down and load the car back up. I arrived at my grandparents apartment to unload my equipment (to the second floor) shortly after midnight on Thursday. I decided then to skip a nap on their couch, as was my plan, and just shower and head straight for the airport. I thought I could check-in and sleep at the gate till they started boarding. I arrived at check-in at the Orlando Airport at 3am only to find out that check-in would not start till 3:45am. Well I couldn't just sleep for 45 minutes, not as tired as I was. So I stuck it out. By the time I got checked in, through security, and over to the gates it was 4:30am. Boarding started at 5am. Still no sleep. As I'm sitting at the gate having an odd sort of wrestling match with my eyelids and wondering if there was really going to be room on the flight for my guitar, a gentleman walked up to the gate desk with 3 guitars. If there was room for mine, surely there would not be anymore. Lucky for him, they made hime check 2 of his instruments as he was only allowed 1 carry on item. He wasn't happy, but my baby was safe in overhead storage with me just below.
Sleep. Land. 2 hour layover in Memphis. Sleep. Board. Sleep. 30 minute flight to Nashville. Sleep. Land. Get rental car. Learn about driving in Nashville. I hate cities where there are no roads, just Interstates. Especially when I am unfamiliar and trying to navigate with the map on my phone. I reached my friends apartment and she was nice enough to have the inflatable mattress ready for me. Sleep.
I woke up hungry so I searched for Publix on my phone. I went out and picked up provisions for the few days; soup, chili, hot dogs, beer, salad, and, as a treat for my hostess, tilapia and red beans and rice. I surprised my friend with dinner as a thank you for letting me take over her living room. She, a fellow singer and songwriter, was happy to help and also happy to eat. Then we went out.
Music row was our destination for night one. I was told that this is where the musicians and industry people spend there time. A good acoustic trio was playing at the first bar we stopped in. A friend showed up and told us he was working the door at another club, so we went to check it out. The worst band in Nashville was playing, but the Bud Light was $.50 so we sang along for a tune or 2 then went away from the stage and hung out in the lobby area. $1.50 later we headed across the street to a club where some of the older songwriters were testing new material on each other. The gentleman we watched was singing a new song he wrote about wanting to move to Florida and play Jimmy Buffet tunes from a Tiki hut. I laughed. We went home. Sleep.
Friday morning I woke at 9 and got ready for my showcase at 11. I arrived at 10:50 and was told I'd be first. I took the stage with my trusty six-string in hand and soundchecked for the nice people at the paltic card table and the 14 other acts there to perform as well. No nerves. I've been doing this solo thing long enough to be over the nerves. The head of the panel came up and told me to play 3 songs with no lag time between. So I did. I started with a mid tempo number to warm up the aural palette. I followed with an emotional ballad to show some performance skill. I topped it off with an up tempo love tune I wrote for my wife to leave the energy high for the next act. When I finished the panel critiqued. They liked my songs, my lyrics, and most of my arrangements, however, they felt I rushed my performance. I was told to rush it. Oh, well. As I packed up, one of the gentleman from the panel told me he worked for a publisher and was interested in my music as was the producer next to him. I got their contact info and went into the parking lot to scream like a girl.
Friday night we went downtown to Broadway. The club we hit was called Tin Roof and the band was awesome. Real musicians. We stayed there for awhile before venturing out to The Stage where another great band was playing. These guys could work a crowd too. No shame in the game in Nashville. "You want to hear 'Sweet Home Alabama'? Put $20 in the tip jug and we'll play it!" I'd never play in Florida again. But these guys were getting it and they played it GOOD!
I spent Saturday inspired. I hardly left the couch and didn't put the guitar down except to use the restroom. I wrote 3 new licks and recorded them to my phone for lyrical enhancement at a later date. By Saturday night I was ready to hear some more music. My hostess informed me we were going to a birthday party for a friend. A limo would be picking us up from the friend's house to take us downtown. It started off fun. The limo was a little cramped, but I guess they didn't plan on so many people attending the party. We arrived at Tin Roof and I struck up conversation with the guitarist from the band I heard the night before. He told me all about how easy it was to get on the circuit once you made friends with the other bands. He informed me that it was more than possible to make a living just playing music in Nashville. In fact, that's what most of his friends do. The limo was leaving, so we piled in. Something was wrong. There seemed to be even less room this time as well as some unfamiliar faces. Everyone was drunk. I sat observing, as I do, when I noticed the guy next to me kind of smirking and shaking his head. "If my wife knew about this...," he said. I smiled back, "Tell me about it." I clicked on my phone to check the time when he noticed the picture of my son as the wallpaper. "You have one of those too?" he asked. "Yeah. You?" "2," he said. We chatted about kids and Florida for awhile. He went on to tell me to be wary of publishing deals and shoot for a development deal. If I was as good as I thought I was someone would invest in my talent. I thought he gave good advice.
The night continued at The Stage with another great band. They're everywhere in Nashville. We abandoned the limo party and opted for a cab back to our vehicle. On the ride home, my friend comented on my new friendship from the limo ride. She said, "That guy that was sitting by you; he's got a Grammy."
Sunday was the long journey home. I don't know who plans these flights, but to go North West to Memphis before heading South East to Florida makes no sense. I got home close to Midnight Monday morning. My wife was up and happy to see me. We hugged and kissed. I set my bags down and kicked off my shoes. "How was it?" she asked. "Honey," I said, "we're moving."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Welcome to A Crowd of Tens

Hey there,
  My name is Danny. I'm a singer/songwriter/performer/construction manager/husband/father/good friend. I'm calling this blog space A Crowd of Tens, because I think it's a crazy concept. Have you ever read an article in an entertainment magazine about an artist performing for "a crowd of thousands?" I've always wanted to perform for a crowd of thousands. More than once I've seen a crowd of hundreds. More often than not, I perform for a crowd of tens. It beats not performing at all though. So, that's what most of my posts will be about. My journey as a singer/songwriter/performer/construction manager/husband/father/good friend on the road to... wherever. Riches, fame, rags, or ruins? Stick around and find out.